First Direct |
From: Andre’ Stone
CC: Mr. Georg Coakley
Date: 11/12/2009
Re: Customer Service
What is customer service?
Customer service is a set of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction, making them feel that a product or service has met the customer expectation. Customer service can be provided by a person, or by other means called self-service. An example of self service is Internet sites. The experience a customer has of a product also affects the total service experience, but this is more of a product direct feature than what is included in the definition of customer service.
What is Direct’s Mission Statement? Is it linked to delivering good customer service?
First direct’s mission statement is ‘pioneering amazing service’. This statement is very much linked directly to customer service. First Direct Bank has a reputation for quality customer service. Research shows that customers get a great service from the First Direct Banking Company. This makes this bank the number one banking business in the UK. Respect is a top priority in customer service.
What are the four main elements of good customer service at First Direct?
Every business has standard that they work by to become a great service provider to its customers.
First Direct trains there employees to be courteous and respectful and they make sure that they are equipped with the knowledge of banking products and services.
They deal with complaints promptly and quickly in a professional manner.
They check and follow up sales
Information Feedback: this is a technique that businesses use to get feeback from the customer. talking to the customer as they arrive and leave, this make a good impression on the business. this skill or technique can be used by many organisations, watching customers in reception, making sure that they are not waiting for a long time and even making sure that the employee passes on important comments to the manager/ owner.
Customer questionaires/ comment cards: in businesses there is always a chance that the employee may forget to pass on comments. this is why some businesses use comment cards, espicially large businesses that get alot of feedback from its customers.